In his capacity as CEO of BestWeekends,, a leader in weekend travel information, JSRW Chairman, Jim Flynn, travels the country looking for great places to stay and eat. He has noticed the growing number of towns and areas who have embraced the “Restaurant Week” concept to great success.

“Restaurant Week is turning into one of the highlights of the year for many communities,” said Flynn, “and it struck me on a recent trip that with all the great restaurants at the Jersey Shore, we should have one too.” Flynn returned from his trip, did some research, talked to organizers around the country about their events, formed a committee and began organizing the first Jersey Shore Restaurant Week.

“The goal for diners is to experience restaurants they may not have heard about or been to yet and to be able to do that at a great price. For restaurateurs, it is an opportunity to boost their business at traditionally slow times of the year and to ’show off’ their talents to people who haven’t enjoyed their restaurant yet.”

The first Restaurant Week in November 2009 drew 56 restaurants and more restaurants participate each time. Thousands come out to enjoy specially priced 3 course meals at the Shore’s best restaurants and all the Special Events.

For general questions, comments, concerns… please feel free to use the contact form below.  For specific questions, here’s a list of our Committee Members who are ready willing and able to respond to you:

Jim Flynn, Chairman – Restaurant and Sponsorship Inquiries

Jennifer Flynn, Vice-Chair – General Stuff

The Team




Vice Chair


Branding & Graphic Design

Copyright © 2025 Jersey Shore Restaurant Week